It has been way too long since I’ve updated this site. I was planning to do a long, pensive post about how I wasn’t sure whether or not there was any point doing what I do given the current state of the world…

…but clearly I haven’t gotten around to that. And clearly, I am going to do what I do regardless of the state of the world and regardless of whether or not there is any point.

Here are some new videos I’ve recorded in the past few weeks. I would like to get to the point where I do one a week. I’m not sure that will happen – but it won’t kill me to try. (At least, I don’t think it will).

I really freakin’ hate to meditate. Especially when there is a smoking hot and completely unavailable dude in the damn meditation class…

Another song about the same dude. I’m going to make an entire album like Adele did. And make lots of money. And win a Grammy. And marry another guy who is hot and rich…

…or maybe just keep posting videos on the Internet and hoping somebody somewhere watches them…

This one is about me getting laid…so it was obviously not based on real-life events. I wrote it for The Game.

Anybody have any suggestions for future topics I could tackle in these pandeiro videos? Feel free to send me your requests in the comments below. Thanks for stopping by!

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2 thoughts on “New Videos

  1. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! I have a topic! Why won’t I leave the guy with a girlfriend that he never has sex with?! He has kept me a secret from everyone in his life for a year and a half! And has no plans on changing that!! Wheeeeee!

    1. Hi Lori – I am excited to do this one. Is there a special date when you would like for me to have it finished? (I work better when I have a deadline…or a “finish line”). Thanks for commenting, and thanks for giving me a request!

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