Here is the transcription of my most recent video blog:

(And here’s the audio on AnchorFM)

Hey friends, it’s Queen Mab here, and today I’m going to talk about one of my absolute favorite guilty pleasures, and that is…astrology. Oh my God, it’s not real…and I love it so much. And today is the start of Mercury retrograde, which is the time when it looks like the planet Mercury is moving backwards in the sky. And supposedly, this is the time when all things related to communication and travel and anything that would have been the domain of the Roman god Mercury is going to go haywire.

Now I don’t know that I really buy that. I mean, both of my trips to Uruguay, one of my favorite places, happened during Mercury retrograde. And both of them were perfectly lovely. Now, when I tried to go Uruguay when Mercury was direct, that was when the pandemic hit. So maybe the moral of the story is I should only go to Uruguay when Mercury is retrograde. Anyways, this is why I want to be careful with this stuff. Because I think it’s very easy for me to get on this superstitious kind of rigid mindset, and I don’t want to do that.

But this is the thing I like about astrology, is that it’s all about the passage of time. And as a neurodiverse person, time does not feel the same to me as it does to a neurotypical person. This something I only recently learned about, and…actually, that’s a lie! The first time I heard about it was when I read that book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time. And it talked about how for an autistic kid, it’s really sad that it’s not gonna be September 26 again for another year. And boy, I really identified with that at the time, but of course I didn’t think it applied to me, okay? Then I was in this neurodivergent Facebook group, and these gals were talking about how time felt more like a Möbius strip to them than it did like a line. And that’s exactly how I feel. I mean, I will think often about the fact that however it is that we’re dressing right now, you know, in 10-15 years, it’s gonna be dated. And then I wonder, “Will it ever make it to being vintage, or is it always just gonna be dated?” You know? Like are the 1980’s ever gonna be vintage? Think about it.

Anyways, so…that’s why I like astrology – because it marks the passage of time. And I like Mercury retrograde because it tells me, “Hey, dude, you gotta go back, and you gotta clean up your stuff.” Like, I should show you the desktop on my computer. It definitely looks like a neurodiverse person’s desktop. There’s just screenshots everywhere, and files everywhere, and crap everywhere. So now, my Mercury retrograde project is gonna be…to clean that up, okay?

So the other thing I’m gonna say is that for many years, I was not a fan of astrology because my sun sign is Virgo. Ew! No one likes being a Virgo. Gross! “Virgos are modest, and quiet, and clean”…and I was like…not really! I would always read the astrology books, and I would get to Scorpio, and it was like, “Scorpios are intense, and sexual, and dark!” and I’d be like, “Yes! Yes! That’s what I am!” So then a friend of mine looked up my chart, and sure enough, I have my rising sign (which is based on your time of birth) and my moon sign (which is based on where the moon was when you were born) both in Scorpio. I also have Venus in Scorpio, which is bad. Venus doesn’t like to be in Scorpio. And I have Pluto, which is the ruler of Scorpio right on my ascendent – coming up over the horizon as I was born.

So for me, that was all very validating. I liked it so much better than all that Myers-Briggs INTPJ whatever…all that crap! It was just so much more fun, and it was these cool little pictures with these cool little stories, and I love stuff like that. So anyway, do you like astrology? What’s your sign? Why don’t you tell me in the comments? Thanks for hanging out with me. I’m Queen Mab. You can check out my comment…comment!…CONTENT…at Don’t forget to like, comment, subscribe. See you next time.

Guilty Pleasures: Astrology

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