Here is the transcription of my most recent video blog:

(And here’s the audio on AnchorFM)

Well hey, kids, this is Queen Mab here, and I’m coming at you from my car today to talk to you about…executive dysfunction! Yeah! Okay, so, the only reason I know what “executive functioning” is…is because I teach middle school. And the middle school age is the age at which kids are starting to develop this. Executive function is the ability to plan and organize. That’s all it is, okay? And it comes from the frontal lobes of your brain. And it is one of the things that those of us who are neurodiverse struggle with the most. So it is ironic that I am teaching an age group that is supposed to be learning this thing that I find so difficult.

So the reason I’m coming at you from the car today is because behind me is some evidence of my executive dysfunction. I will show you. That is my drum set! It has been in the car for two weeks because I have not bothered to take it out and put it back together. And right now I have a dilemma, because this weekend, I have a rehearsal. And today is Monday. And I could take it out, and put it together, and maybe practice a few times…maybe…I’ll probably have to do another vlog about practicing or my lack thereof, okay? So take it apart, put it together, and then have to do it again this weekend. I’m really torn about that, okay? 

I also have a bunch of equipment in my studio that I really need to fix. One is a tambourine head that I broke several years ago. I’ve bought all the stuff to fix it; haven’t gotten myself to be able to bite the bullet and do it. Some of that is organizing and planning issues, and some of that is low frustration tolerance. I absolutely HATE repairing stuff. And I used to chalk to this up to the fact that I’m female, right? I used to be like, “Oh, it’s ‘cuz I’m a wimpy girl who hates to fix things, and if only I were a strong, smart boy!” I hate that that voice is present in my head, but unfortunately, it is. 

But then I took a look at my dad. He doesn’t fix anything. He has the exact same issue that I do: something breaks – he will leave it there forever and ever and ever SAYING he’s going to fix it…and never fixing it. You know who fixes it? His wife. So it’s not a gender thing. It’s a neurotype thing.

Anyways, I think that’s all I have for you right now about executive dysfunction, but if this is something you struggle with, I want you to know you’re not alone, and I’d love to hear, like…do you leave your drums in the car for a long time? Do you have a really hard time getting yourself to fix stuff that breaks? Tell me about it; I’d love to hear about it. Thanks, and if you’d like to see more of my content, you can visit Don’t forget to like, comment, subscribe, and I’ll see you next time. Bye!

Disorganized Drummer

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